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usmjerenog AI DIZAJNA
Kao i u mnogim drugim područjima, AI (Artificial Intelligence tj. Umjetna Inteligencija) je ušla na velika vrata i u svijet web dizajna. Usmjereni AI Dizajn je proces koji kombinira brzinu i fleksibilnost AI sustava sa ljudskom vještinom i iskustvom kako bi se istovremeno eksponencijalno povećala produktivnost i zadržali visoki standardi izrade stranica. Vođena našom iskusnom rukom, umjetna inteligencija stvara unikatni sadržaj koji onda pomno odabire i dorađuje dizajner, slijedeći uobičajen proces izrade, no daleko brže i bez gubitka na kvaliteti.
Ova metoda drastično smanjuje vrijeme izrade stranice te troškove izrade iste, što čini visokokvalitetni web dizajn dostupnijim nego ikad prije. AI alati nam omogućuju kompletni fokus na ono što je bitno – performanse konačnog proizvoda, vizualni dojam i korisničko iskustvo vaših posjetitelja, dok tehnički poslovi koji su inače trajali satima ili danima sada bivaju odrađeni u par minuta. Vođeni AI dizajn je budućnost izrade web stranica; kombinirajući isplativost, efikasnost i kvalitetu u paket koji će vam sigurno poslužiti kao odlična platforma za skok u digitalne vode.
Pogledajte naše pakete usluga i…
Stvorimo nešto
Surađujte s našim timom dizajnera kako bi stvorili inovativnu i atraktivnu stranicu prilagođenu vašim osobnim i poslovnim potrebama. Kombinirajući vaše ideje i našu stručnost ciljamo izraditi online platformu koja vjerno odražava vaš brend, a sve uz pakete usluga koji su cijenom pristupačni i kvalitetom garantiraju zadovoljstvo. Imate pitanja ili specifične potrebe? Naš tim je klik do vas.
Find Your Digital Footing
Fixed price at €499.--
Modern Design
Fully responsive
and optimized.
Fast Production
Two weeks from
start to launch.
Embark on your digital journey with our Kensho Package. Tailored for those starting their online presence, this package provides a clean, mobile-responsive website design, focusing on essential functionality and aesthetics. Perfect for small businesses and personal brands, the Kensho Package is your first step towards digital zen.
Shape Your Digital Path
Fully Customized
Made to fit your needs.
It grows with you.
SEO & Analytics
Insights for
Growth & Reach
As you delve deeper into the digital landscape, our Satori Package is your ideal companion. This package upgrades your online presence with interactive design elements and enhanced UX/UI. SEO optimization and comprehensive analytics are included to help steer your journey towards success. Choose the Satori Package for a more nuanced and insightful online experience.
Cultivate Digital Harmony
Bespoke Design
Your Vision.
Our Creation.
Advanced SEO
Boost Visibility.
Gain Insight.
Continual Optimization
Peak Performance.
Reach the pinnacle of digital tranquility with our Enso Package. This comprehensive solution offers bespoke web design, advanced functionalities, and immersive interactive elements to engage your audience. We include comprehensive SEO strategies, advanced analytics, and continuous performance monitoring. For brands ready to master the digital realm, the Enso Package is your key to unlocking unparalleled online experiences.
Svaka web stranica počinje kao ideja. No iako često imamo vrlo detaljne ideje o tome što želimo, pretvoriti ideju u nešto opipljivo i stvarno za druge može biti izazov. Baš zbog toga koristimo provjeren proces suradnje s klijentima, kako bi omogućili jasnu i preciznu komunikaciju, a sve s ciljem kako bi znali točno ono što vi želite a vi znali što očekivati od nas.
Više o našem procesu ispod.
Ispod možete naći galeriju odabranih projekata. Od elegantnih, minimalističkih rješenja do kompleksnih, interaktivnih iskustava, svi naši radovi odražavaju našu predanost kvaliteti, funkcionalnosti i estetskom dojmu. Više od pukih web stranica, naši projekti mogu biti priče, identitet, platforma pomoću kojih se naši klijenti mogu povezati s publikom.
Spremni ste ispričati vašu priču?
Krenimo na vaše digitalno putovanje zajedno.

Adam Barley
Designed by our studio, this site offers a transformative journey through embodiment and personal evolution. The website showcases Adam Barley, a renowned movement catalyst, and his innovative ZeroOne mystery school. Visitors can explore personal and collective growth through movement, engage with a vibrant schedule of international events, and access resources for creating personal movement practices. The site merges artistic aesthetics of emptiness and simplicity with profound, life-changing content.
*All our sites are highly customizable without coding knowledge requirements.
Appearances may diverge from original.

Dunja Gulin is an engaging platform that showcases Dunja Gulin’s expertise as an author, cooking instructor, and lecturer. The design reflects her passion for health, wellness, and culinary arts, featuring her published works, workshops, and retreats, with an integrated webshop and membership management system for digital content on offer.
*All our sites are highly customizable without coding knowledge requirements.
Appearances may diverge from original.

Viktoria Mullova, designed for the acclaimed violinist, Viktoria Mullova, embodies elegance and functionality. At first glance, users are greeted by Viktoria’s name and profession, set against a clean backdrop. The site is divided into six comprehensive sections: News, Biography, Concerts, Discography, Media, and Contact, facilitating seamless navigation. Integrated social media icons (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, and Apple) ensure visitors can connect with Viktoria on multiple platforms, enriching the audience’s engagement experience.
*All our sites are highly customizable without coding knowledge requirements.
Appearances may diverge from original.

Pure is a clean, user-friendly e-commerce platform focused on menstrual cups, championing a smart choice for every woman. The site’s design showcases the product’s simplicity, ease of maintenance, and versatility, suggesting users can comfortably engage in activities like yoga, swimming, and sports. Contact details are readily available, emphasizing approachability.
*All our sites are highly customizable without coding knowledge requirements.
Appearances may diverge from original.

Fair and Simple
The site is presented with a clean, user-friendly design. Its homepage quickly introduces services and a direct call-to-action. Expertise areas are neatly organized, and their recruitment process is presented visually in three steps. The site incorporates effective call-to-action prompts and an easy scheduling platform.